The Birthday Girl
Five minutes ago I was 27 and enchanted by the Minnesota lake’s blue eyes of Catherine Bailly – a blonde-haired beauty with a happy Midwestern smile and laugh that made our first date not about where we were… but about who I was so fascinated to be with.
I’ve had the unbelievable ride of a lifetime with that birthday girl…
Cathy Bailly…
… Who hops out of bed every morning like an Eveready Bunny the very moment the sun peaks through the bedroom windows.
… Who is an absolute treasure chest to so many spectacular forever-friends that revere their deep, candid, real, personal relationships – relationships that overflow with fun and overflow with heart.
… Who has given our two daughters the most sacred possible gift in the world – her unconditional love and her empathetic hand at every single moment of their sometimes frightening and sometimes fabulous journeys in life.
… Whose discerning palette and art of interior design decorates the homes and lives of her amazing world-class clients – who adore her and the creativity they make together.
… Who loves me. Who still laughs at my jokes. Who still wants to fall asleep and wake up next to me.
It’s funny how, as you get older, you bump into those moments realizing there are things you’re probably never going to have that you imagined you would.
I’ve always dreamed of having a place right on a lake.
I’ve imagined a beautiful, crisp, crystal blue lake, full of life at every turn. I’ve dreamed of waking up and holding the sound and the rhythm that only a lake — only a lake’s clear-blue waters can make you feel.
It took me until now to realize that my lake has been there all along — right next to me in my bed.
To lakes.
To life.
To love.