Sunday Football Games
The next Sunday your body has become a part of your couch when you can’t get possibly get enough sports on the boob tube and your better-half says, “You haven’t moved an inch this whole afternoon” – tell’em this.
For openers, you are moving. That couch you’re plopped on in the Palisades is spinning around every day with everything else on our lovely planet earth.
You’re not moving at the speed that you can run (15 mph on a good day), or at the speed of a BMW at 120 mph – we’re spinning at 1,038 mph. The faster roller coaster ride in the world will whip you around at about 140 mph.
We’re spinning that fast — in every definition of the word.
But don’t forget that the earth, our own little cosmic dot in the sky, takes 365 days to circle our wonderful sun. Let’s add that. So how fast are we going around the sun?
We’re on a speed train at a clip of 18 miles per second. That’s 1,110 mph a minute. 66,600 miles per hour.
And that’s not even counting how our earth is playing “crack the whip” at 483,000 mph around the hub of our Milky Way.
While you’re at it, you might as well throw in that your hometown galaxy of 200 billion suns is flying at a clip of 1.3 million miles an hour away from everything else – heading straight out of town.
So next time somebody tells you that you haven’t moved an inch, tell’em they’re way off.
You’re going a million miles an hour.